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A product that is designed as an add-on or stand-alone product that gives the client the assurance of being mobile in the event his vehicle is under warranty and needs repairs due to a breakdown, if the vehicle is stolen, has an accident or if the client’s normal car hire cover has been exhausted.
Financial assistance for the repair of over 40 household appliance types and brands.
Legal protection for your business – your helping hand when you most need it. The cost of legal advice and legal action is expensive, with small and medium-sized businesses finding the cost of undertaking legal proceedings prohibitive. The need for continual legal advice can also prove costly.
A product designed to your specific needs and an easy solution to protect yourself against high excesses. This product can be sold as a stand-alone policy or added to an existing policy.
This policy offers you compensation in the event of theft and accidental damage to the Insured device, while used in the Republic of South African.
A product designed to make sure that even the gaps in your medical aid are covered.
Home and shop insurance for the previously un-insured shack to homestead, from township to village.
Cover for unforeseen mechanical or electrical failures.
Based on the results of research and the growing need of South Africans to be legally empowered. This product provides individuals with an accessible and affordable legal alternative where none had previously existed.
The newest and most innovative pet medical insurance product (not a pet medical aid) in South Africa. It is designed to cover the unexpected, unforeseen and fortuitous veterinary costs that cats and dogs kept as household pets may incur as the result of illness or injury.
A bespoke solution has been designed specifically for motor dealers and short term financial services providers which will meet their expectations in terms of cover afforded, pricing and service levels.
We have a range of specifically designed insurance products from the managing agency and developers prospective, which gives a complete service to your client- the Landlord, both in the residential and commercial industry.
Ideal for new and used vehicle owners, this product pays out for the repair of scratches, dents, bumper scuffs and windscreen chips which are not covered by comprehensive vehicle insurance, or not costly enough to claim for.
Quality cover for medical expenses, trip cancellations, lost luggage, flight accidents and other losses incurred while travelling.
Insure your wheels against irrepairable damage.
A unique product providing veteran cover for horses 21 years and older.
Liability and cargo insurance supporting the marine industry which facilitates the safe transport, handling and storage of goods.
Flexible cover for HCV’s, trailers, light delivery vehicles, private vehicles and other special types at competitive rates.
Liability insurance cover developed for the unique needs of the security industry.
Provide cover for the theft of cash and valuables whilst in transit or storage.
This product structure allows you to close any gap in your healthcare strategy when looking for alternative solutions. We continuously look at ways of improving our policyholder’s experience with us through enhanced efficiencies as well as additional benefit access.